Sunday, December 25, 2011

TeAcHeR, MoUlDeR!

Painting the character of a person needs
A brush of integrity and responsibility.

Its brush which strokes the inner being is a perpetual mark
To an unblemished dignity of a child's person.

Its color that tainted to his person signified
The making and breaking of a child!

Moulding the being of a student is like painting his future,
How do you wish your student would be and should be like
In his nearing tomorrow?

Teacher as a moulder
His huge hands must prepare!
In shaping the child's vulnerable character,
Untiringly nurture every piece of his values
To zealously touch his student's life!

Being a teacher means self-sacrifice,
Unselfishly render your heart and your mind,
Your great wealth of inspiration
Your student will have a brighter destination.

Being a loving formator means an infinite etcher of a genuine heart!
Patiently carve his student's soul
To finally reach child's real defining goal!

A teacher, a moulder, a formator, a educator, a mentor!
Surely holds the pen of our Dear Creator!
Lovingly handed to us,
To sketch the ups and downs of the life of our students,
Who shall eventually become our successors!

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